Dental Square Clinic

Tooth Eruption Sequence

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Permanent tooth eruption is the process of tooth development which occurs over an approximate 7 year period, during which a child’s original baby teeth fall out and are replaced by the adult teeth. The primary (milk) teeth have usually emerged by the time a child is 3 years old, with 10 teeth residing in each jaw. During this time, these first teeth are acting as placeholders for the permanent teeth soon to come.

Tooth eruption begins around the age of 6 months and can last until the age of 3 years. During this stage, your child’s gums may be sore and irritable. You can soothe them by gently rubbing the gums with a cold, wet cloth, the back of a cold spoon, or a clean finger.

The timing and sequence for the eruption of a child’s 20 primary teeth (milk teeth) is as follows:

A child’s central teeth, both upper and lower, are the first to appear and then other teeth erupt sequentially moving toward the back of the arch.  The exception to this is the first molars, which typically erupt before the canines. The first teeth to erupt are the lower and upper central incisors, which erupt between the ages of 6 12 months. The next to erupt are the lateral incisors between 9-16 months, followed by the first molars from 13-19 months. Next, the canines erupt from 16-23 months. Lastly, between 23 and 33 months, the second molars erupt.


Children typically begin shedding their primary teeth at the age of 6 years, starting with the central incisors and followed about a year later by the lateral incisors. The first molars are shed next, closely followed by the lower canines. The upper canines and both upper and lower second molars are shed last.